It can take up to 4 hours for the CEUs earned in Campus Learn to populate to MyVPP. If it has been over 4 hours, search MyVPP by using the keyboard shortcut combination CTRL+F or (Command+F for a Mac) to search the record for a previous completion.
CEUs are awarded one time per course. Please check MyVPP to confirm you did not previously receive CEUs for this course. (Courses completed on ACSI Online PD will show up under "My Courses." However, courses taken on another platform or in person will not display as "Completed" on ACSI Online PD; they are tracked only on MyVPP.)
If you have taken a course with interactive content and the course is not completing, make sure to click “Submit Answers” on the end screen:
Here is a short video on how to submit answers for an interactive course and ensure course completion.