Accessing your E-Book Redemption Codes:

  1. Log into with the same login that was used to purchase the e-book 
  2. Go to "hamburger" icon in top rightAt "Commonly Used Links" select My Account/Profile
  3. Click on 'E-book Codes' to view your purchased e-book code(s) that you will then be able to redeem in VitalSource Bookshelf once you create a VitalSource account. (If the E-Book Code does not appear in your account promptly after your purchase, please contact 800-367-0798 or for immediate access.)

Accessing your E-Book:

  1. E-books are not a direct download, they can be opened within VitalSource's e-book application Bookshelf 
    • You will need to create an account with Vital Source to access the Bookshelf
  2. You can also create a Bookshelf account online and read your book in a web browser.
    • You will need to create an account with Vital Source to access the Bookshelf

Technical Support:

  1. For basic support on E-Books, refer back to Purposeful Design E-Books
  2. For support using Bookshelf, downloading your e-book, or any other e-book technical questions, contact VitalSource directly. Their support is available 24/7, year-round
    • You can submit a support request to them online at Vitalsource Support 
    • For additional assistance, you may call VitalSource at the following numbers:
      • In the US/Canada please call: 1-855-200-4146
      • In the UK please call: +44 800 802 1506
      • In Australia please call: +61 8 7111 3343
    • On this page you will also find a link to Video Tutorials and a chat feature where you may chat online with a VitalSource technician. 

Returning an E-Book:

  • If an e-book was ordered in error and the activation code has not been redeemed, contact ACSI Care Team to request the "return." .
  • E-books must have a "not activated" code status to be returned.

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