Purposeful Design Publications has not aligned the development of its products to Common Core or any one standard. The textbooks are a collection of the most comprehensive and challenging standards available from which to build each series. Purposeful Design Publications is committed to thoroughly integrating a biblical worldview into all instructional materials. Some examples of the rigorous standards used:

The Purposeful Design Language Arts series: 

  • Designed to help students master appropriate English language and literacy content and skills within the framework of a biblical worldview. The grade K-2 series incorporates comprehensive components: research-based phonics instruction, implicit and explicit vocabulary instruction, systematic spelling instruction in grades 1–2, integrated grammar and writing instruction, engaging literature, and a comprehensive reading program. The series meets or exceeds national standards and was developed following the guidelines of The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum.

The Purposeful Design Mathematics series: 

  • It is designed to help students master appropriate math content and skills within the framework of a biblical worldview. This series has been developed to meet the most comprehensive and challenging standards. The scope and sequence of Purposeful Design Mathematics incorporates rigorous standards and benchmarks for math literacy and learning, including those of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Each chapter’s Key Ideas tie into the scope and sequence.