If a Job seeker makes contact with a school  by information provided online within the job posting, there is no fee of $29.00 charged to the school for making contact. 

The $29.00 fee only applies when a school uses the “Resume Bank” feature. The Career Center system is unable to regulate individuals contacting a school when contact information is included within their posting.  

The resume bank feature helps the Job Poster to regulate the number of calls and contacts their school receives, allowing the Job Poster to make contact with only the most qualified candidates.

The Job Seeker:

  1. The Job Seeker will have their own login credentials before they can apply for a position. 
  2. The Job Seeker will search for the type of position they are looking for. 
  3. Once the position they are looking for is identified they can select the "Apply Now" to be added to the School's "Resume Bank".

The Employer Side: (View the Resume Bank or View applications to your Job Posting)

  • Log on to ACSI.org (Only the Primary Contact for your School's login information will allow you access to the Career Site) 
    If you do not know your login or password, please contact the ACSI Care Team            
  • Once the page is loaded, scroll down the page and select "Post a Job"

Using the "Resume Bank":

  1. If you hover over "Employers" you will then select the "Resume Bank" to view all posted Job Resumes. 
  2. View all resumes submitted that meet your search criteria. The $29 fee statement is posted at the top of the Resume Bank to insure you understand what the fee covers. 

  Applicant applied to your Job Posting:

  1. Under "My Account" you will see any Messages from Job Seekers or any applications that have been completed. 
    • If you select the "Total Applicants" you will see the Name, Position, and date applied
  2. Selecting an applicant's name, you will see the application submitted. 
  3. You can view the Job Seekers application and send a message directly to the applicant from their application for any follow up questions. 

View in Web Browser: https://acsico.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/14000057649